2. Name: Odim, Friday Lekwachi
3. Sex: Male
4. Present location: Umuahia, Abia State
5. Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/odim.timothyfriday
6. Place of worship: The Apostolic Church Nigeria
7. Occupation: Pastor
8. Are you born again? Yes
9. Describe your salvation experience: My conscience was troubled to serve God, by so doing I started going to Church and got repented
10. Would you accept marriage proposal from an unbeliever? No, unless by God’s direction/instruction
11. Would accept marriage proposal from a person of another faith say Islam? No, unless God’s intervention
12. Educational level : B.A Rel.
13. What do you desire in a wife/Husband: A virtuous woman.
14. Are you a single parent? No
15. Age: (but you must give your age range not just adult).State of origin: 35, Abia State
16. Tribe: Igbo
17. As regards marriage/relationship what are your expectations. To get connected to a wife of my youth who will be a help meet to build and raise Godly home and generation and to win souls for Christ together.
18. With a paragraph not of more than 45 words describe your kind of person (include your beliefs, life perception and experiences e.t.c.
Am a kind hearted person who does not like seeing people been maltreated or intimidated for any reason. I separate myself from anything that will dent my image.
I believe that everybody is important in life. That you are not there today does not mean you will not get there tomorrow.
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