2. Name: okafor chukwudubem grace
3. Sex: Female
4. Present location: Anambra state
5. Facebook I.D: Emmanuel grace
6. Place of worship: living bride of Christ mission
7. Occupation: fashion and designer
8. Are you born again? YES
9. Describe your salvation experience: It occured during alter call in school
10. Would you accept marriage proposal from an unbeliever? NO
11. Would accept marriage proposal from a person of another faith say Islam? NO
12. Educational qualification: ssce
13. What do you desire in a wife/Husband: He should bea person that loves God, lovable, and Calm in nature
14. Are you a single parent? NO
15. Age: 34
16. Tribe: Igbo
17. WhatsApp: +234 906 122 5328
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