Benjamin Evergreen Mammah 

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Benjamin Evergreen Mammah

2. Name: Benjamin Evergreen Mammah

3. Sex: Male

4. Present location: Abuja/Nasarawa

5. Facebook link:

6. Place of worship: Assemblies of God Church

7. Occupation: Event Manager/Decorator

8. Are you born again? Yes

9. Describe your salvation experience:

  1. Growing up in a Christian home gave me the advantage of getting to know Christ early and has helped in my work with God.

10. Would you accept marriage proposal from an unbeliever? No

11. Would accept marriage proposal from a person of another faith say Islam? No

12. Educational level: BSc Economics

13. What do you desire in a wife/Husband: Having a compatible godly spouse to build a godly home together.

14. Are you a single parent? No

15. Age: 40 – 43

16. State of origin: Kwara

17. Tribe: Nupe

18. As regards marriage/relationship what are your expectations: she shld love and give me peace of mind, cos I no like drama. 🏃

19. WhatsApp: +234803 446 8064


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