Name: Adetunji Agnes T
Sex: Female
Present location: Ibadan
Facebook link:Adetunji Hergnes
Place of worship:RCCG
Occupation: working
Are you born again: yes,I am born again
Describe your salvation experience: Had a miracle that happened like a mystery,it can only be God’s doing
Would you accept marriage proposal from an unbeliever: No
Would you accept marriage proposal from a person of another faith say Islam:No
Educational level:HND
What do you desire in a wife/husband:desire a man that even amidst storm on marriage we will both be steadfast in God
Are you a single parent: No
State of origin: Ondo State
As regards marriage/relationship what are your expectations: loving partner that we will both grow old together
With a paragraph not more than 45words describe your kind of person ( include your beliefs,life perception,experiences): Amidst the storm of life I believe in God,I don’t pretend and not materialistic.
Whatsapp: +234 703 058 5120
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