Akinlabi Oluyimika

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Akinlabi Oluyimika

2. Name:Akinlabi Oluyimika.

3. Sex: Female.

4. Present location: Shimawa, Ogun state.

5. Facebook link: God’s will yimika.

6. Place of worship: RCCG.

7. Occupation: Teaching.

8. Are you born again:Yes.

9. Describe your salvation experience: I realized that been born again is different from been a church goer, christian by birth or christian by name.i realized that Christianity is not a religion is a life style of every believers to live.

10. Would you accept marriage proposal from an unbeliever?: No.

11. Would you accept marriage proposal from a person of another faith say Islam?: No

12. Educational level: Graduate

13. What do you desire in a man:he must be truly child of God. God’s fearing person.

14. Are you a single parent?: No

15. Age (you must give your age range not just adult. ) State of origin:27_31. Oyo State.

16. Tribe: Yoruba

17. As regards/Marriage/ relationship what are your expectations: is to fulfill the purpose of God.

18. With a paragraph not of more than 45 words describe your kind of person (include your beliefs life perception and experiences:Am a child of God, I believe in the name and the power of Jesus Christ. I hate lies and unfaithful fellow, I always go straight with everyone, I also believe in the power of prayer because what God can not do doesn’t exist.



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