Name: Jane Amblessed Nwawuba
Sex: Female
Present location: Lagos Nigeria
Facebook: Jane Amblessed Nwawuba
Place of worship: Deeper Life Bible Church
Occupation: Student
Are you born again? Yes.
Describe your salvation experience: Well! Jesus is my Lover, Holy Spirit is my Comforter, Jesus saved my soul.
Would you accept marriage proposal from an unbeliever? No
Would you accept marriage proposal from a person if another faith? Let’s say Islam. No
Educational level: HND
Would you desire in a husband? What I desire in a husband is that, my husband should be God fearing, caring, loving and understanding!
Are you a single parent? Nope.
Age: 27
State of Origin: Imo State
Tribe: Igbo
As regards marriage/relationships, what are my expectations? My expectations are: That God should make my future home to be Heaven on Earth, a Godly home worthy of emulation, a peaceful home.
My kind of person: I’m a lover of God, Gospel Singer, I’m an easy going person, very amiable, kind, generous, affectionate etc
Whatsapp: +234 902 829 5204
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